Friday, 1 April 2011

Evaluation: Question Four

Who would be the audience for your media product?

 The target audience for my magazine ‘AMP’ would be both male and female, as my magazine is not biases to one specific genre, they will between the ages of 13/14 to early 20’s because this is the age when people start going become more interested in music and start to prefer one specific genre, so when they come to buy a magazine they will know if this one is for them and their personal taste in music. Their taste in music will be mainly in the genre of alternative, indie and indie rock, such bands as mystery jets, The Maccabees and the Futureheads. They would mainly watch comedy, action, horror and sci-fi films and enjoy watch channels such as comedy central and BBC Three. They would dress smart casual, normally wearing shirts or tees from shops such as Topman, burtons or designer names such as FCUK, Ben Sherman and Ted Baker, they would wear smart leather shoes or bight coloured plimsolls and have a individual look. They would spend their time at local and big gigs, going to house parties and playing sports such as football and rugby. They would also go to college or university and spend time studying and part time working to afford the gigs and parties they attend. If old enough they would go to the pub and clubs at weekends with friends. They would enjoy listening to music and listen to it whenever they can.   

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